Update 0.3.7

## New SPURS!

- Added SPUR Rock Cleaver. Unleash a powerful strike with your Sword

- Added SPUR Long Shot. Shoot your next repeater shot from a far distance

- Added SPUR Double Shot. Shoot two arrows at once with your bow

- Added these abilities for certain enemies to use, who will also drop them 😉

## House of Bones improvements

- Winning team now gets 50 bone fragments each

- Considered a safe zone where you wont drop items on death

- UI has been resized and made pixel perfect

- Monsters here will now drop Bone Fragments, which can be spent with Frank for unique accessories

- Fixed Famine spawn not working

## Other Changes

- Higgins Farm: added a bank, moved beehive closer to farm house

- Changed Dolores on NW task to an actual quest that teaches about crops, with a new quest indicator

- Added **Hunter Charms**: a progressive craftable item that gives some hunting stat and bonus exp. Only 1 can be equipped at a time

- Added +1 ranged stat to quivers

- Added new leather-only recipes: Rabbit Headband, Coyote Leather Gloves, Boar Shoulder Guards, and Wolf Fur Cloak

- Added a Sandworm Tracker rare drop from the boss that will point you to its relative location

- Added an agriculture tab to the journal

- Moved the achievements menu to the journal (like actual journal pages, not a separate menu)

- Added a woodworking shop NPC, George, to Rustwater

- Added a low level Technomancy shop to Alexandria Nash in Frontier

- Reduced price of Stone Cells to 5 (was 10)

- Added lore notes around the Trailhead bunker

- Increased the size of hitsplats to be more visible

- Bandages now give bleed immunity for 1 minute

- Antipoisons now give poison immunity for 1 minute

- Added a supply chest to NW where you can claim various bottom-tier ammo every 30 mins

- Increased the exp given by making sushi

- Increased rice crop harvest amount, but decreased exp per harvest

- Added a top tier Fishing catch: **Crayfish** to trap-cold-freshwater spots

- You will now keep your 5 most valuable equipment on PVE death (PVP still remains full loot)

- Improved stat descs

- Added an ideal agri level to seed tooltips. Seeds can be planted/harvested at any level, but the ideal level indicates how well you will harvest it

- Gave real values for hybrid leather-metal gears

- Gave real values to medium and large paramours

- Large paramours now take Witch Hazel instead of Ruby to make. (However, Witch hazels are not available yet)

- Abuelo will now also cure debuffs on you

- Enemies will now despawn after 5 minutes of no players around

- Better feedback when opening crates without enough inv space

- Campfire charcoal now spawns for everyone else after 50 ticks instead of instantly

- Removed the passage block between Steve and the Giant Snake

- Bosses will no longer hit other enemies

- Added current server to friends list (open by pressing 'F')

- Added more worm sources near fishing rod spots

- Added a world map icon for Sawmills

- Added another Oddrey spawn to the meadow biome

- Adjusted pistol/rifle levels. Generally they will need higher levels to be equipped

- Rename 'Pine Resin' to 'Resin'

- Added resin to frontier bounty crate rewards

- You will now refill HP on health level up

- Made Rats a bit weaker

- Added recipes for Gold laser guns

- Increased snake oil drop quantity from Giant Snake

- Removed a repetitive system message when you finished crafting

- Added an opening on the south side of the NW town hall

- Added more sources of low level seeds and stone cells on Trailhead

## Bug Fixes

- Fixed certain quest task progresses not shown in quest menu

- Fixed some instances of loot being unreachable on N-Tech containers

- Fixed linear telegraphs not visible when facing left or down

- Fixed some blocky sand-grass tile transitions

- Fixed bank placeholders not graying out when loaded in

- Fixed caret going invisible when entering a whisper name

- Fixed various animation bugs

- Fixed a bug where you couldn't click tile objects again to interact with them again without moving

- Fixed a bug where you could add noted items to animal pens

- Fixed the Skull Hitsplat skin not being centered

- Fixed a bug where crafting stat bonuses didn't allow you to craft recipes beyond your level

- Fixed login screen UI could be shaking on logout

- Fixed various achievement issues

- Fixed crops not visually updating as time passes while in range

- Fixed certain skins not saving. This change may require you to re-equip all your cosmetics

- || Fixed not being able to start Mistaken Identity if you abandoned Maza ||

- || (Tried to) Fix a bug where b01a would spawn multiple times ||


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