Update 0.3.6: EXP REVAMP

- I have made significant changes to most exp sources to make them feel more balanced and smoother. Most are buffs, and some of the increases are small, others are *huge*. This should help you prepare for our first major content update next month!

- Beehives will now gain an exp multiplier for the amount of living bees

- Improved gem tiers/rates from mining nodes

- Increased bullet and cell output from tinkering

- Guns take less materials to make

- Improved healing values on cooked animal meat

- Added Scrap Electronics and Batteries to Peace Cells shop

- Added a custom soundtrack for the Buried Mines

- Improved Salado rope hurdle visuals

- Added lighting to Cherytol and Rustwater

- Added another path out of Cherytol to the northwest

- Changed water source minimap icon

- Added Abuelo the medic to all towns. He also no refills all your resources instead of just health

- Shifted around some fiber nodes to improve harvesting flow

- Added a plant harvesting sound

- Added a new NPC "Laura" to frontier for info about tailoring

- Updated and added a glow to login buttons

- Improved clickbox of several crafters

- Added quick-shop option to Jack in frontier

- Increase bark chances from woodcutting

- Added a login error if you tried to login with steam while it was not open

- Reduced amount of spools to craft tunics

- Added a Turkey spawn near Frontier

- Moved the right-click menu customizer from the options menu to the menu itself

- Added 3 cooking recipes

- Improved click pathing to worm wood nodes

Journal Improvements

- Added stat descriptions
- Added a right-click option to skilling nodes to open the journal for them

- Fixed a bug with new leather recipes not showing all info

- Removed birch tree icon showing for the fishing nodes

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug that made it quick to gather nodes with several level tiers (mainly fishing spots). This will make the gathering rate a bit slower, but is counteracted with the new exp values.

- Fixed some instances of enemies spawning out of map bounds

- Fixed minimap textures
- Fixed various instances of unreachable item drops

- Fixed tilemap not fully loading on left/right edges in 1440p resolution

- Fixed opening bounty crates not giving you items when your inv was full

- Mobile: Fixed unable to send chat messages

- Fixed Tanning Solution being eaten by tub if you added any quantity besides "all"

- Fixed the frontier tanning area not using its own inventory (was using the same as bayou)

- Fixed certain node group nodes becoming invisible at low depletion (like sand piles)

- Fixed "Casting the First Stone" being stuck in incomplete state when already finished

- Fixed quiver tooltip not showing attack speed gain

- Fixed campfire sound loop

- Fixed SPUR abilities not updating interactability while open

- Fixed using kinesis on the starting ship tunic visually turning it into moonshine

- Fixed Ben tutorial arrows not showing

- Fixed a bug where adding rental ldays to the rustwater animal pen wouldn't work

Please join our Discord because in about 10-12 hours, we will do a Valentine's-themed giveaway!


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