Update 0.2.9

__Update 0.2.9__

- **Added throwable items, first one is a Molotov**: applied burning ground which takes 2 ticks to arm, then has a chance to apply burning effect to any entity on it (including yourself!) and does a damage over time (DoT), both based on Heat defense

- Tutorial Multibench is now limited to recipes up to level 10

- Added Hot Toddy mixology recipes that provide Heat defense

- Added jewelry recipes up to Copper tier (< 30)

- Actually updated gem refining recipe data (all shifted up a tier, starting at 10)

- Improved Heat defense of various enemies

- Casts now have a chance to break when jewelry making

- Fixed chat not being clickable, and not being able to customize chat tabs

- New characters start with 25 caps in the bank

- Added arrows to item slots indicating if the equipment is below/above average

- Added equipment slots: ring, necklace, earring, and face accessory

- Added placeholder sprites for empty equipment slots

- Added coupon redemption to cash shop

- Added Credits screen to Login screen

- Changed various item sources on tutorial

- Added new unique item variants of certain items around tutorial

- The pickaxe south of NW is now takeable

- Hurdles now account for your movement bonuses

- Pickaxes now require Mining stat to equip (previously Melee)

- Added more tutorials to NW for using the bank, multibench, combining items, and rendezvousing with Captain Ben

- Added better alpha info to login screen (hover over the version)

- Added Mushroom harvesting nodes around swamp region

- Added organoid sounds

- Added mutant/brute sounds

- Added character overview page in Journal (press V) that shows your total exp, total level, etc

- Added various crafters to tutorial south raided village (Old Williamsburg?)

- Moved tutorial raider dock to OW

- Your total PVP kills are now tracked (will not account for previous kills)

- Fixed Z-fighting when things were on the same tile

- Karma bonuses on equipment now give drain reduction

- Recipe UI slots now show the stat to craft them

- You can now burn cooked fish

- Fixed various anim bugs, such as playing wrong anims

- Fixed becoming invisible after respawning

- Fixed item drop examine name being very long

- Fixed enemies still targeting you after you die

- Fixed Silver Mesa hurdle

- Fixed bank tab name input not being automatically selected when editing/adding tabs

- Fixed the add tab being opened when the bank opens

- Fixed Silver Mesa bridge being blocked off

- Improved rendering performance

- Mapping improvements around boia

- Improved building tileset at the creek

- Improved inventory recipe loading speed

- You can type /logs to open your log folder


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